It's a park, it's a forest, it's...

You would likely never guess, but it's the inside of a greenhouse. Yep! We bought this off our neighbor, for a decent price, but the "hidden" cost of dismantling it.
On that note, another good thing came out of my trip to GR last week - my husband and my father took down the greenhouse - together! Now, this is rather surprising on many levels:

  1. We made arrangements and paid for the greenhouse months ago - and never did any work!

  2. My father has an interesting, unprecedented opinion of my husband and his abilities.

  3. There was a lot of work!

But, they apparently had a good time, and worked well together - is this the beginning of attitudes-a-changin?

It struck me

I was in Grand Rapids, Michigan this past week for the Internet Ministry Conference 2007. It was a good time, networking, learning, and best of all, spending time with Lorraine.
We were out driving and I glanced over to see this beautiful flag flowing in the breeze, lit up by spot lights. It struck me how much more patriotic our American friends are than us Canadians.
This flag reminded me to be thankful for the things that make Canada
great! So, a snap shot of the front of my house - hard to see, but I AM CANADIAN!

It's about time...

After a long resistance I finally decided to create a blog. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against blogging. My fear is that I will neglect to maintain it, and therefore this might be the one and only post!
So what does one say when it might be the only time they say something? Preferably something memorable, something meaningful, something wise; and maybe with a touch of humor. Now that's going to be tough.
Some people blog about pet peeves and things that bug them. That's pretty easy, but I am afraid that list would be way to long. An equally long list would be the things I am thankful for.
Each day I struggle to not dwell on the frustrations of life, struggle not to get so upset so quickly. So perhaps this blog will be an outlet for me, so I can keep my sanity! Who knows what blogging will have in store for me.