on my mind

If I'm not careful, this entry could get a little wonky, I mean who really wants to go too deep into my mind! But there are a lot of things on my mind lately.
There are the typical household worries, like income and being able to pay for the bills. There are employment worries, like whether or not I can afford to be off for 4 weeks... (maybe with the assistance of EI). There's the whole house selling thing, waiting as patiently as possible for the buyer to come along!
And after all that starts the thought pattern of relationships, current, past, and future. The thoughts of my interpersonal skills, and where things have gone wrong in the past. And then there's knowing that I must pick up the phone and make a certain call.
Here comes the daydreaming now, all the scenarios (good and bad) that I can think of play in my mind. Some in vivid detail others not. And dreaming at night, typical extensions of the day time fantasy land.
Yep, lots on my mind. It could be worse, and I'm not getting down over any of it.