i am the inevitable

"Perhaps the future is predetermined by the character of those who shape it."

The other day while watching an episode of Stargate Atlantis, I heard this quote...

In the show there were 2 characters discussing whether or not the future was predetermined or "what we make it." I have often had those very questions. This quote is quite interesting to me. In its simplicity it says so much - it suggests that who we are today (our morals, ethics, values, and most importantly, our actions) can in a sense, alter the future. Its the interesting concept that the future is both predetermined and what we make it...

Its hard for me to truly articulate what I *feel* about this quote. But at the least I wanted to share it with others, and wonder, does this quote *do* anything for you?



January 17, 2009 at 3:37 PM

Lol. I found this looking up the quote... pondered this for years... it's elegant, and multifaceted in it's application, allows Pre-determinism and Non-determinism to co-exist, and upon deeper thought hints towards why the "Golden Rule" holds true on so many levels as to how we mold and are molded by our realities. I have to give the writers serious props on this one. Some of the best quotes over the years come from writers and sages it seems :). The sage always asking why and how, the writer exploring those questions for a good plot line... lol. It sounded familiar though from when I was younger, so I'm wondering if they came up with it in a moment of coolness, or if one of them was tributing Buddha or something... If I find anything I'll come back and post, but Google keeps bringing up SG:Atlantis... lol.