a different christmas

It is a weird Christmas this year. Its the first year in many that we didn't send Christmas cards. The first year in many that we haven't gotten gifts for the people we always buy gifts for. The first year that we have no real Christmas festivities to attend.

But that's not what Christmas really is anyway. Yes, one aspect of Christmas is spending time with family and loved ones. However, just because you aren't physically in the same place doesn't mean you are not together in a sense, in each others' hearts and minds. And Christmas isn't really about gifts and cards...

Its obvious to me what Christmas is about, remembering Jesus' birth. Sometimes though, the obvious is still a struggle to see, to accept as real. What I am trying to get at is this: somehow I am feeling that its not really Christmas because I'm not doing any of the traditional Christmas things. But how much of those traditions are not really Jesus-loving practices anyway?

I won't go far down the whole consumerism path, but not buying useless junk for people isn't such a bad thing. I do have lots of baked goods in my freezer, so those who I see over the holidays will get that from me. Something I made, something that can be enjoyed, but something that doesn't add clutter or work to someone's life. (okay, maybe some work in terms of working off the calories!)

I am accepting that Christmas can be exactly what this year is for me, a quiet holiday alone with the ONE person who I would share Christmas with no matter what, by choice! Hubby and I will start our own family traditions!