is it over? or has it just begun?

I sent an email today to the director of human resources at the organization I worked for. No matter how I try and word this, it will prolly seem like I am harboring on things, or at least unable to move on. Harboring is not the right word, and for once I have not gone looking through the thesaurus for the right one. I am just going to attempt to describe it myself.
I believe in God, and in Jesus, and I believe that without what they are and what they have done, I would not exist, and have no hope of existing. I believe that people who claim this faith have a duty and responsibility to act a certain way - to treat others well, as you would like to be treated. It seems simple, and reality is never as easy as these little adages we learned as children.
Reality introduces all sorts of factors into a situation, and alters behaviors and perceptions. People are these factors. People who say one thing and do another. Hypocrites, but not even quite that. I am talking about something a bit more fundamental. If you ARE what you say you are, then your behavior follows suit - so if you are a believer, a Christian, or as some might say a "Bible-Thumper" then chances are you *know* you are supposed to try your best and be a good person. And when you are not, you are supposed to admit that, and try and do something about it.
I am not saying I am in any way perfect, but I do feel that in a lot of situations I seem to be the only one who recognizes my flaws and tries to do something about it. Yes, I have said before, and will again that no matter what the other person does or doesn't do about their actions, I will take 100% responsibility for mine - which is only 50% of the problem! However, I can do that, and still work hard at getting the other 50% addressed too!
So, that is why I emailed the HR person. I asked a simple question - is there any point in me pursuing any discussion (cause last time you guys just brushed me off)... we will see if there is a response.

Ending on a POSITIVE. Still loving my new outdoor/greenhouse job - killer tan, funny kids, smelly dog, and hilarious grandparents that do a great job of BURNING their grand kids! GO GRANDMA!