what about nobodys?

I heard this anti-drunk driving commercial on the radio, and I have a bit of a beef with it. What could possibly be wrong with such a commercial? The overall message, DON'T DRINK and DRIVE - nope, nothing wrong with that.

Its the fact that the message couldn't stop there. For some reason we need all these incentives, all these reasons not to. Okay, here is my list.

  • It's stupid. I don't use that word often, so I will actually apologize if it offends you.
Okay, not much of a list, only 1 good reason I can think of! But the radio commercial included a few more reasons, here are some of them.

  • You could hurt (or worse) a mother with small children in her car.
  • You could hurt (or worse) someone on their way home to a family that relies on them.
  • You could hurt (or worse)... insert some other person of value here
I question these. Not that these people in any way deserve to be hit by a drunk driver, but what about the people that don't have the same value or worth that is implied by this list? What about the nobodys?

What about the guy who just lost his job, on his way home to a house the bank just foreclosed on, a guy with no family, no friends. He does not seem to be cherished by anyone. Why is he not included as an incentive?

I understand that people need these incentives, because logic and reason on their own are not enough to impact them when they choose to get behind the wheel after one or more too many. I understand that the potential of taking away something that is cherished by another can be a powerful incentive, but I have trouble with the whole thing still...

I have trouble that there is some apparent arbitrary assignment of worth. Implications seem to be there that some lives are just more valuable than others. Maybe I am just reading too much into it...


I have a number of blogs in my reader, not as many as some, but still enough. They range from serious to funny, from friends to strangers...

A few friends have what I call PERSONAL blogs, like this one of mine. But these people, like I used to, work for an organization. In order to eliminate any confusion between a work-related blog and a personal one, these friends feel the need to put a DISCLAIMER on their personal blog.

Please be advised that this blog is the personal blog of so and so and is in no way affiliated with X organization...

I'm sorry, and pardon the language, but NO SHIT! To me, these silly disclaimers say a lot about the potential readers. Its happened to me personally as well, on assbook of all places. Someone read something I wrote, and told me that as a "representative of X organization, I shouldn't write things like that."

First of all, they are my personal feelings and I have a right to have and share them. Rather than lecture me on what I should or should not do, did it occur to these people to try and HELP? Did they ask what is wrong and what they could possibly do for me? NOPE, not even in the slightest. All I can hope is that in addition to their open and public rebuke, that in secret they would pray about it.

Secondly, who I am at work and who I am at home are not always identical. Typically I can be a little more open, a little more "ME" at home, because the close people who surround me understand me and love me for who I am. At work, there are all kinds of people, and very few would be people I would choose to have in my life. They are not so understanding and loving of the things that make me me. In fact, many people "out there" think there is something "wrong" with me and that significant changes are needed, so I am quite reserved, and share little about myself.

And lastly, since when are we not allowed to share what is on our hearts and minds? Especially with Christians? This whole thing of having to warn people that you are not perfect irritates me almost to no end. These lecturers, these people who read my blog and think I am the devil reincarnated... I ask them, where is your mirror? How can you be sure you got that log out of your eyes before addressing my specs, logs, or even the entire forest in my eyes?!?

The last time I started to read something that offended me, do you know what I did? I STOPPED READING IT! And the last time I read an entire thing that offended me, do you know what I did? I contacted that person and had an open and healthy discussion about it! Try it, it works!

... but the pastor said so!

I came across this YouTube video from a blog I regularly read. Now, I really could care less about US (or Canadian for that matter) politics, but I do care about church politics...


Wow, this is pretty pathetic. At first it also makes me laugh, but then it pretty much makes me sick.

In the original blog entry there is a line "sell us on the idea that
ministers have enough intelligence to make us take what they say or recommend seriously." Is this ever true -- that the average pew sitter believes at face value what their "trained and ordained" ministry person tells them! Of course I have found some flaws in that, and I promise not to even include any of my personal anecdotes of things that have "happened" to me!

Flaw # 1 - Pastors are humans, relatively incapable of objectivity...
First of all, they are forgetting that this person, often male, is a human being, full of flaws and imperfections like the rest of us (don't get me wrong, I have my proper respect for the "dominee", however, I do not believe that everything he says goes!) As much as we would like to believe its not true, that pastor/theologian telling you things still has A LOT of potential to say and do damaging things. They are not off limits when it comes to accountability to Christ, and as their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, we are the ones to hold them accountable! I believe that the pastor is my brother/sister in Christ FIRST, and my pastor second. Why do I make this distinction? Again, the accountability factor - we have obligations to each other, to hold and restore each other to right relationships with God, REGARDLESS of our worldly human positions and status. No one has more or less right than the next person, even though our earthly minds very often tell us so. What is GOD saying? That each person on earth has equal potential of being close or far from God!
(And don't even get me started about the fact that some of these pastors are more like wolves in sheep clothing, acting out their personal agendas and calling it church business, or worse, good ministry!)

Flaw #2 - Who's the boss?
Second, in what world does the pastor also adopt the role of CEO for the church? The members of the church technically employ the pastor, so when it comes to the "business" of the church, sure the pastor should be involved, but in control? NO! Why bring this up here? Because that is what we seem to be allowing our pastors to have - full control over every aspect of the church. Maybe its me, or maybe its just cause my last name is French, but it seems to me that we've got it all backwards!
But to be a bit more realistic, I don't think that we should ever be in a position where one person or one "side" has total control. The best way to run a church would be for everyone to actually work together for the greater good of God, and not just trying to satisfy what we think our own needs are. But we are human, and virtually incapable of being that objective!

Flaw #3 - I am cynical
So, this isn't really a flaw with the topic so much as a flaw with me. Will I ever trust another pastor? I know that I must, I am supposed to forgive. I am supposed to give a second chance. I am supposed to not allow these things to affect my spirituality. But they do, because I am also human. They do, because I have yet to see proper accountability of most church leadership. To be honest, this whole video, this whole topic is exactly what I find WRONG with the church.

I have my faith, all you denominations can keep your politics.

just getter dun

This is the motto of late, just get things done! There are so many projects, its hard to know where to start. We've tried some different methods of determining a starting place - mostly models and ideas that work (somewhat) only in the business world.

But this is life. And life projects done together should be yes, about getting things done, but more importantly, about enjoying things while you do them! Enjoy working alongside someone!

So, rather than apply all these corporate business ideas, lets approach it from a life point of view... Categories/Ratings in priority as follows:

  1. Is it absolutely necessary?
  2. Is it fun?
  3. Is it somewhat necessary?
  4. Is it somewhat fun?
  5. Is it boring?
  6. Is it unnecessary?
By applying these 6 questions (seems silly to ask #6) we've found that its not only a single choice, the key is combining them. Some absolutely necessary tasks might also be the most boring - but you have to do them, so have some kind of fun! Its not always easy, especially when racing against the clock that is the sunset, but it can be done.

I try to be a bit of a comedian, when things don't quite go right (after getting a sense of the "mood") I might throw in some kinda joke about the best way to learn is to do it over and over. Sometimes I get a laugh, sometimes not, but the key is trying!

My sister once told me to follow everything up with a positive - so that's what I'm trying to do in every situation, even right in the middle of things. Its overall affect seems to be positive, so I will keep it up!

... no, i shouldn't

Continuing the topic of whether or not I should write that letter to the HR people where I used to work. This blog title indicates my decision.

There are a number of people out there who feel I should. You know, whether I should or shouldn't is irrelevant at this point because the decision is made, I am NOT going to. There are reasons, and perhaps laziness is also one of them. For some of those reasons, you can read the comments on my previous post, but the gist of it is - I honestly have bigger and more important things in my life to concern myself with.

This piece of history, recent history, still has me somewhat bitter (no 'Rain, I do not think my lack of sending that email to HR denies me any right to be bitter... do I have any right to be bitter anyway???). I am bitter mostly because of the actions that were taken. Period. Whether or not anyone tries to right it now, I still have a hard time comprehending how any of this happened in the first place!

I need to let go. I need to move on. And in true Jessica fashion, stealing lyrics from Staind, I need to "let some of this anger fade..." And so, from this point forward, I will move on from that period in my life. Not to say it will be forgotten - I have learned a few valuable lessons - but it will no longer be something that is part of my present or future! This makes me happiest of all - complete and utter closure.

Goodbye "denomination X."

should i bother?

I got a response from the organization I used to work for. Apparently getting all perspectives of a situation is always a good idea. Hmmm. So, its up to me if I send something or not.
I kinda new that already. Was thinking there might be some hint at addressing the part where I said I've been ignored before, or the part where I said their systems seemed to have failed me. No hint at all. So that is why I wonder if I should bother.

Anyway, typing right now is not so easy, as my left index finger is injured! LMAO, an incident with the pruning shears, in my OWN gardens, not even at work, where I used them all day. My oh my...