
I have a number of blogs in my reader, not as many as some, but still enough. They range from serious to funny, from friends to strangers...

A few friends have what I call PERSONAL blogs, like this one of mine. But these people, like I used to, work for an organization. In order to eliminate any confusion between a work-related blog and a personal one, these friends feel the need to put a DISCLAIMER on their personal blog.

Please be advised that this blog is the personal blog of so and so and is in no way affiliated with X organization...

I'm sorry, and pardon the language, but NO SHIT! To me, these silly disclaimers say a lot about the potential readers. Its happened to me personally as well, on assbook of all places. Someone read something I wrote, and told me that as a "representative of X organization, I shouldn't write things like that."

First of all, they are my personal feelings and I have a right to have and share them. Rather than lecture me on what I should or should not do, did it occur to these people to try and HELP? Did they ask what is wrong and what they could possibly do for me? NOPE, not even in the slightest. All I can hope is that in addition to their open and public rebuke, that in secret they would pray about it.

Secondly, who I am at work and who I am at home are not always identical. Typically I can be a little more open, a little more "ME" at home, because the close people who surround me understand me and love me for who I am. At work, there are all kinds of people, and very few would be people I would choose to have in my life. They are not so understanding and loving of the things that make me me. In fact, many people "out there" think there is something "wrong" with me and that significant changes are needed, so I am quite reserved, and share little about myself.

And lastly, since when are we not allowed to share what is on our hearts and minds? Especially with Christians? This whole thing of having to warn people that you are not perfect irritates me almost to no end. These lecturers, these people who read my blog and think I am the devil reincarnated... I ask them, where is your mirror? How can you be sure you got that log out of your eyes before addressing my specs, logs, or even the entire forest in my eyes?!?

The last time I started to read something that offended me, do you know what I did? I STOPPED READING IT! And the last time I read an entire thing that offended me, do you know what I did? I contacted that person and had an open and healthy discussion about it! Try it, it works!