all work and no play make Jessica go...

I think too much about work, and how annoying 'people' can be. Stuck in their ways, odd in their habits, off on their priorities. For people like me that is a little too much to take, especially when so many exhibit ALL of these characteristics...
Just today there was a discussion about how to provide materials to youth/young adults. The historic way is to mail papers, booklets, brochures, books, etc... I am sorry, but most people my age, let alone younger think that is a big waste... Waste of paper, postage, time! I am not alone when I say gimme it electonically!
Ideally I could go to a site and read up on stuff, or at least download. Granted for us some things just cannot go online for security reasons, fair enough... But if you are going to mail anything, can't you at least mail a CD or something? Or email an encryped file? Or have them download from a secure site? C'mon now.
I am slowly going crazy...



February 20, 2008 at 8:28 AM

I absolutely feel your pain . . .