a comment overheard... now what could it mean?

I have been indirectly inspired by my friend 'Rain to pay attention to life with a slightly different ear, and to see things with a slightly different eye. Is there really as much racism in this world as she has been noticing?

Of course me being me, I needed to start at the beginning, so I looked up the definition of racism. Don't get me wrong, I *know* what racism is, but how specifically is it defined?

American Heritage Dictionary defines is as:
rac·ism (rā'sĭz'əm
) n.
1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

So based on this definition, in order to be a racist person to make a racist comment, there needs to be at least an air of superiority involved, and typically something derogatory. A racist person/comment would restrict someone from something because of their race, or at least want to.

Point #1 -
Sometimes a comment is just a comment...
Not all seemingly racist comments are in fact racist. You make an observation about something, and say it out loud... The observation is an instinctual reaction to something, and based on experiences, either learned first hand, or taught by elders (parents, teachers, etc) you come to some conclusion.
Often these comments and conclusions are deemed as racist, and I feel its because we are tuned into it. I understand the need to be aware, and I certainly agree with methods for prevention; however, I sometimes wonder if it is possible to be "too" aware. Can't a comment just be that?
One should also look at it from the perspective of the comment itself and how it relates to the definition of racism. If the comment is not in any way an implication of superiority, then it doesn't necessarily fit the definition of a racial comment. Is it possible that the comment was made for another purpose? Do we even bother to take the time to reflect on that side of it anymore? Why are we so quick to assume a potentially benign comment is anything but?

Point #2 - Sometimes a person is just a person...
Not all all the people making racial comments are racist. Sometimes people just don't even know they are making a racial comment. See point number one - sometimes they just learn things and assume that those are the way things are. Maybe its racist behavior, but how much can one be held responsible for their ignorance? If you have only ever known things to be one way, and something different comes along, its natural to make an observation of it.
Its not a whole lot different from observing abnormal weather, like a balmy +18 c sunny January day, in Canada - its not expected, and its all people talk about! (Just like the significant below average temperatures we are having lately). Is the only difference that the weather doesn't hear our comments and therefore has no potential to be insulted, or worse, by them?
I certainly agree there are a lot of racist people out there making racist comments, on purpose. People who most definitely know better and cannot fake any ignorance. However, sometimes you are racist by mistake almost. You are educated and you go into the world with that education, assessing the world with these standards...
Again, look at the definition. Can you be sure this person is implying some superiority? If this person is a complete stranger, its probably hard to tell, however, my mom used to tell me to give people benefit of the doubt (easier said than done, I know). But if you know this person, you probably already have an idea where they stand.

There is so much more I could say. I think its important to have racial awareness. I do not accept racism, I do not think we should stand for it. I am in no way trying to indicate otherwise. In fashion that has become typical for me, I just have a desire to present another way of looking at things.

Its easy to make assumptions, and in this day and age, in the culture and society we live in, especially in North America, its too easy to err on the side of caution, or worse - to assume the worst! I wonder how much of that has to do what we project of ourselves into the assumptions... If we took a close look at ourselves, is it possible our own ideals are affecting our observances of others - um YES, hello?!? we are human, and that is one of our flaws, the inability to be completely objective (see flaw #2 from this post).

I challenge this - the next time you (or I) hear something that we assume is a racial comment, ask if its possible its something else. I did this with a comment I overheard recently, and in all honesty, I consider it to be completely harmless.

And, whether its racist or not... have we forgotten to look at any situation as an opportunity? I guess because its late and this post is already long enough, that I will save the rest of that thought for another post!



June 25, 2008 at 6:53 PM

I keep marking this "unread" until such a time as I'll be able to respond more completely . . . eventually!