... take from one and give to another...

So I started to get into a bit of a debate with a friend in her blog comments about an entry of hers, and then I thought, hey, I can rant and rave about this all I want in MY OWN blog! So here goes... inviting your comments 'Rain.
If you didn't guess it from my title, we were discussing affirmative action, though when I re-read her post I realized her entry was about more than just affirmative action, but lets leave the rest of that alone for now...
The gist of affirmative action is to promote access to education, employment, etc for 'certain designated groups.' Typically minorities and those historically discriminated against (or worse) for their ethnicity. I know that it's intentions are good - preventative, so employers/etc know they cannot take certain personal characteristics into account - race, creed, color... you memorized the list I'm sure. And you know, I even think its pretty good, IN THEORY, just like I think communism and utilitarianism are pretty good, in theory.
But the reality is, life isn't theory, and the best programs fall short, because of human nature, and the culture we lived in the past and the one we are living now. A culture of supremacy... Someone is always on top. In the family we call it the pecking order; at work the chain of command, or hierarchy; and in social networks, the 'class and color' factor. (Before you go accusing me of copping out, I am not saying that we should just ignore these things... I am just trying to point out some flaws I believe there are with affirmative action.)

Flaw #1 - Those who need to atone are not affected by this 'aa.' I believe (and there is 'proof') that throughout history technically every race has fallen victim to slavery at one point or another. (thanks to my 'little' bro for the wording) To me this shows that slavery and persecution exists no matter of color, so slavery isn't per say a racist act, but it is discrimination. Its CLASS discrimination. The rich over the poor. I do not believe (show me proof) that the rich people in today's society are really paying for the mistakes of rich people from yesterday?

Flaw #2 - Those who are to 'take' the affirmative action are, by nature, subjective human beings. We all bring our own set of personal beliefs/values wherever we go. This extends to reading resumes, interviewing candidates... So when this person sits across the table from someone they discriminate against, you really think 'aa' policies are going to change the way they feel, to direct them to make the "right" choice?

Flaw #3 - I consider affirmative action to be discrimination itself. Not just any, but government sanctioned racial discrimination. Let me point what 'aa' suggests - " 'you' are not capable, competent or worthy enough to receive this [job, education, etc] on your own merit, you should therefore receive it because your race has been and perhaps still is discriminated against." (I ask then, where is MY 'aa' as "my people" have been slaves too...) And IF (I am suggesting this is a very BIG IF) people are receiving opportunities without merit - what does that say to the person (racial majority or not) who has just "lost" even though the better candidate. (I believe this stems back to #2 as well - its not about actuals and facts, its about perceptions and feelings...)

Flaw #4 - I consider affirmative action to be all part of a bigger issue of being convicted for the crimes of another. Now I won't get into this one too much, because its several entries in itself... But, who is paying for whose sin? This is bigger than the first flaw, as this one can extend to the treatment of the Native Americans, to original sin... Hence why I don't want to get into it just yet...

All this because I woke up crabby and the first thing I did was read her blog... LOL