gotta change my focus

Had a conversation with my sister today, one of the older, wiser sisters (okay, they ALL are! lol). Anyway, she asked me why I never blog about the positive.

Legitimately, I use this blog to write things down, and sort them out. I believe this is likely mostly only helpful to me, sorry readers, especially when I am cryptic. When things are going well, there usually isn't anything to work out. My sister saw this point, cool! :) love ya! But, I also see her point.

So, I need to change my focus, starting every moment of every day. I need to focus more on the good things. I am not saying to ignore the bad, they require their acknowledgment, but they do not need to be the focus. As I quoted Guns n' Roses yesterday, life is not always fair, but there's no point in being miserable all the time.

Well then, what to write about to ensure I include the positive... Hmmm, I'm seriously crazy about my new shoes, how female is that??? Here's a preview of them, what do you think? I just love them, and I think I look good in them! YAY!



May 21, 2008 at 3:03 PM

Now you're on the right track... here's a bit more advice for you... Even when you do blog about something that's bothering you, always end it with something positive! When I have to make phone calls home about something negative a child did that day, I follow it up with a phone call to another home with something positive about their child. It makes me feel so much better... Just a thought... you'll be happy and then, you'll have to clap your hands!! ;)


May 24, 2008 at 9:26 AM

tag, you're "it".

and screw ending with something positive. for real.