the flaws with habitual feeling-sharing

I've read and been told many, many times that its good to share your feelings... There are lots of reasons why: it helps you release them so you can feel better, it helps other to understand you better, it helps you work out problems.
Um, not really, not really, not really....

Flaw #1 - sharing my feelings really doesn't make me feel better.
In fact, it makes me feel worse most of the time. First of all, I get frustrated with myself for being weak enough to have to share - normally that means someone has pushed for me to share, and that means I have worn it on my 'outside.' I'm normally strong enough to deal with things. Secondly, I don't usually get any enlightenment that helps me deal. Chances are if its a big enough thing that I'm talking about it, then I haven't found a solution... Its gotta be a complicated thing.

Flaw #2 - sharing my feelings doesn't really help other understand me. Understand what about me? My weaknesses? Its been my experience too many times that sharing feelings comes around to bite you in the ass. Shared once that sometimes I struggle with anger management (no shit, you been reading my blog?) and then when I have a bit of a problem with someone - "well YOU are the one with the self-admitted anger management problem" - yep, that's right, all my fault. Way to go "sharing" let's do it again sometime...

Flaw #3 - sharing my feelings rarely helps me figure them out. Most of the time after sharing, people don't really know what to say. Even if they have been through something similar, its never the same. Often their experience sharing only clouds the issues that I am trying to process. Sometimes the advice angers me, because its something soooo simple... Just do this, or just that... JUST YOU NEVER MIND... Likely I never wanted to share with you in the first place!

I have thought too that maybe my flaw finding ability is some defense mechanism... Don't let people really get to know me... But that's a bit of a cop-out then. I really do believe that there's often as much, if not more, harm that comes from sharing your feelings as there is good...

I don't know about you, but I would like to leave my ass in tact, no bite marks please.


  Jessica Côté

April 15, 2008 at 1:36 PM

THIS is what I'm talkin bout... THANKS 'RAIN!!!