maybe i should charge $300 an hour

No, this is not an x-rated blog... ha ha...

I've been blogging lately about the flaws with feeling sharing, but also the problems with not addressing them either... I've been trying to get a point across - that when you tell someone something about yourself, some trait or behavior that is less than ideal, they then assume you are that way ALL OF THE TIME.

Thanks (again) 'Rain for finding this - gotta be my favorite new term, and when I use it I sound smart! And its kinda neat to know that what I am talking about is REAL.

Its a psychology term: Fundamental Attribution Error. Look it up!



April 21, 2008 at 1:33 AM

now you'll get tons of hits just for having mentioned the word "x-rated" . . .

and maybe *I* should charge *you* a "muse fee"! just kidding . . .