shrink this!

I have blogged lots about how sharing your feelings does nothing but bite you in the ass... In the past week or so my real estate down there has remained in tact. But that has created another problem... Which is worse, bitten on the ass, or annoyed in the head!?!
I haven't really been talking to people, don't care much for people in general anyway, and now I get "oh, what's wrong" or "are you okay" or ...

somedays i just wanna be left alone! (ok, most days)

It seems too that when you share and then stop sharing that people make even MORE assumptions about you - see my post about "FAE"... So last week and even this week, the solution - as far as others in my "world" are concerned - is simple - ALL I NEED TO DO IS SEE A SHRINK!
Really???? Wow, its soooo easy to find a shrink. Its soooo easy to share with complete strangers and PAY for it. Its soooo easy to feel like you are crazy... (and apparently its easy to be sarcastic!). Its bad enough to refer to myself as "crazy" every now and again, but when you tell me to see a shrink because I suggest process changes at work, because our lack of organization and control is frustrating to me, it just pisses me off. And I see it as a cop out - all the organization's problems are because I need to see a shrink?!?

You know, the only thing SHRINKING is my capacity to care, my passion for change, and my desire to be here. SHRINK THIS, and hand me my pink slip.

Oh, and for all my friends, even though I am sure you have even better intentions than those in my "office" - please avoid this topic with me, and please DO NOT take the risk of referring me for counselling... I want to keep you as a friend, and right now its such a sore spot and I am so bitter!



April 26, 2008 at 1:32 AM

the only appropriate thing to say here is . . .

"me too"


April 26, 2008 at 1:34 AM

ps I told you about the "identified patient" theory, right? when the whole "family" (UGH. I can't stand it when people refer to ANY workplace as "like one big family"--VOMIT!!! but you'll see my point) is ill, but one person has to decide to be/play the "patient" role so that everybody else can continue on in pretending that they are just fine and the problem is this other person.