no fury... as someone scorned

I do know right from wrong. I understand what it means to make the right choice and the ramifications of many wrong choices. But I also know that sometimes you just need to deal with things... I am angry, again, still, with my father, and bitter about the past 3 or so years.
I know that there are healthy and unhealthy ways to manage my anger, and trust me, I have seen my share of the unhealthy, and participated in too much of it myself. But I am angry a lot lately... Little things become big, and if less is more, imagine how much more 'more' is...
I came up with the words fury and scorned. I feel that fury describes me, and my reactions, somewhat unrestrained, and certainly improperly focused - taking it out on the wrong people... But to be honest, I think I am doing a good job actually. I recognize when I have done something stupid - usually the act of yelling at another driver, an innocent by-stander... I cannot justify it, however, it can be easy to yell at someone who a) probably deserves it a little and b) you will never see again. But I also have to (and do) admit and confess when I have failed.
But scorned... This is a word that just slightly beat out forlorn, not my life in entirety, but forlorn - desolate, forsaken, in my relationship with my father... but that brought me to scorned - I feel that I am treated with complete and utter contempt. Am I that despicable in the eyes of my father and his wife?
Seriously, this is why I am still angry, bitter, begrudged, call it whatever you want... I feel that I have given him so much, the word I am using right now, probably in my 'fury,' is SACRIFICED... I have sacrificed about 3 years of my life for that man... Well, WE have... My husband is as much affected as I am. The worst part is that I also did it for my Mom, and I feel that his disdain towards me also extends to her - because she is the reason for it...
I am not bitter towards my Mom, or towards God for "taking her home." I am bitter towards my father that he is so pompous, stubborn and arrogant that he cannot see what he has done - he cannot see that the campfire HE started and left unattended has now become a fire raging almost out of control. Its flames burning, and its smoke choking and suffocating. It is painful.
But I am also a bit arrogant, and certainly stubborn. I am not crying over this. And eventually "i can let some of this anger fade" (thanks Staind).

"I only know that I can change, everything else just stays the same... so now I step out of the darkness that my life became 'cause - I just needed someone to talk to, you were just too busy with yourself. You were never there for me to express how I felt, I just stuffed it down. Now I'm older and I feel like I could let some of this anger fade, but it seems the surface I am scratching is the bed that I have made..."
~ "Fade" from the album "Break the Cycle" 2001